Content coming soon. The ambush style sexual assault attack occured around midnight on 12/9/21 in this woman’s home. The attack occured almost immediately after he arrived for what was supposed to be a networking visit to meet and catch some alleged pedos together. The visit would also give Drake the opportunity to network with other alleged pedo catchers in the New England area. The third hug the two exchanged ended in sexual assault. Drake has used the tactic narcissistic males often use when accused of a sex crime, known as the DARVO TECHNIQUE: Deny, attack and reverse victim & offender. R-Kelly and Donald Trump used this technique when their accusers came forward.
Sargent little dick is on Cameron’s side. Our research shows, this Police department has already attempted to criminalize this woman’s lawful activity on two occasions. Both times the BOGUS charges were dismissed. So you clearly see here this poor woman NEVER stood a chance to get justice. This is exactly why the VICTIM of sexual assault did not feel safe or comfortable to go to this police department to report what happened to her. Drake got away with doing an unlawful felony recording of this woman, admitted he did it and was allowed by this police department and court system to get away with it. Drake has harassed this woman and posted many many many many many hours of content and videos about her which was all fun and games while she was crying. Now waaaaaahhhhh baby bitch Cameron wants to play victim. They are clearly practicing selective prosecution and acting with Bias against the victim. This entire website had to exist because of what harassment Cameron has done not only to this woman but to many others as well.
Click image to go to the YouTube channel.
This video is a clip from Drake Livestream on December 23, 2021 which was created almost immediately after he left HER home with his belongings. Drake issued an ominous warning to his victim “So long as she doesn’t come out and saying anything bad about me, I wont say anything bad about her”. The victim said nothing. She cried as she recorded the video to document what would become a long term harassment and humiliation campaign against her. Its been 2 years and the harassment continues.
Drake’s sexual assault survivor aka survivor of cam deckerwould like to take a polygraph exam in Massachusetts where she lives. Once completed she will offer the results to post here on this website. This woman is a single mother and cannot afford to pay for the test at this time. She has created this fundraiser which shows her cashapp and venmo accounts. It costs $850 for the exam. Any help with this goal would be so very appreciated.
Drake recently re-posted this video from December of 2021. Claiming that since his Rape accuser, Shay went somewhere with him days after the alleged assault and allowed him to remain in her home for 13 days that means he must be innocent. asking his subscribers if this looks like a victim…. Shay is on video here walking, her body, her rear end….Drake isn’t even in the video. He has posted this in furtherance of his efforts to punish, victim shame and embarrass her. None of this makes him appear innocent.
Nate made this video about Drake because yes, Drake is an unregistered sexual offender. Drake has made many videos to harass this man Nate for supporting Drakes R victim, Shay. It’s fair for Nate to also make some videos.