These are just some of the people Drake has been harassing online within the past 2 years. He is a transient Felon who is seemingly being protected by Delaware County (acting) DA Shawn Smith.
ALL or most of the videos you can no longer view were on Drakes YouTube. He has recently deleted the content for now. Perhaps he doesn’t want the army recruiter to see it?
I apologize, loading this page is going to use a lot of your device data because there is so much on here of documented harassment of other people. With few exceptions, this is ALL content Drake Cameron created which is compiled and reshared here which is “fair use”. There is Nothing illegal or harassing about re-posting Drake Decker’s posts that he made about other people, criticism, free speech, education and fair use. If Drake didn’t create ALL of this childish fucked up harassing content about others then it wouldn’t exist to share. He just never imagined it would all end up on a site like this. Drake and anyone who supports the content below should be ashamed.
Drake C Decker shits on everyone who helps him once he’s done using them, as well as any public officials who won’t prosecute the cases Cameron turns in. Some of the District Attorneys Drake has harassed and attempted to defame are, DA from North Carolina Ernie Lee, DA of Monroe County NY, Herkimer County DA Jeffrey Carpenter, Oneida County DA Scott McNamara, Madison County DA William Gabor (everyone in his office was emailed). Sheriff Bob Gualtieri was also harassed by Decker because he did not do what Decker wanted him to do. Why don’t they all understand that this is Drake Cameron Deckers world and the rest of us must do as he says. Drake is king. bow down…
Police officers have lost their jobs and everything allegedly because of this lazy & stupid clown. Anyone who links with him just looks foolish for doing so. And bet your ass he will make you out to be the bad guy or gal in the situation, as he is always the victim. MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON! We are documenting this long term harassment of people. There is so much of this content that literally his victims have to store the footage on flash drives because their phones fill up. All of these people running out of space for personal memories because they are documenting Drake harassing them is just not right.
Drake’s sexual assault accuser has been trying to get a harassment prevention order to put an end to the relentless harassment she has faced after coming forward. The next court date is December 11, 2023 at East Brookfield District Court in Massachusetts. The thing is, Drakes supporters and his sugar daddy known as Warbot also harass her and post about her.
A man name John D has been trying to get Drake served with court papers to appear in Kentucky dist court for criminal harassment of John and his elderly mother. Because Drake is a transient, John has had no luck getting him properly served with court papers. These efforts have been ongoing since June of 2023. Drake’s supports also harass this man John and his mother online.
Drake and his supporters also harass an autistic young man in New York named Nate. When Nate’s mother went onto her son’s livestream to put Drake in his place and stand up for her son, that footage was edited and re-posted by Drake and others in an effort to embarrass and harass that woman. Although her choice of words that night weren’t the wisest, it is not right for people to use that footage to harass and humiliate this woman and upset her son.
It has really taken a toll emotionally on Drake’s victims. All of them who use the YouTube platform cannot even have a normal non Drake related livestream because Drake and or his supporters infiltrate and disrupt the streams. Drake admits to screen recording all of his victims live streams. Recently Drake posted a photo of multiple new cell phones which were supposed to be used for decoying efforts. He has not been using devices for decoying from the looks of things, but rather to harass and record all of his victims activity.
Here is a quick list of others who Cameron has harassed and or defamed online along with some of his supporters. The goodguy, Nate’s garage, Gina, Jen, John D, his Rape victim Shay, his own father Drake A. Decker and several more. All of that evidence will be added here soon.
Go to YouTube to watch. Cameron has been being called out for his wrongdoings on there for a while now. This informative video did a good job of summing things up at that time in summer of 2023. Drake acquired all of these phones in November of 2023. He has not even done an alleged pred “Catch” in months. ALL he has been doing is relentlessly harassing his R victim, her supporters and a few district attorneys. Gina is a nice woman from North Carolina. She supports the predator catching movement and wanted to help in ways she could. She decided to open up her home to this “predator catcher” Cameron Decker in September of 2022. He stayed there and/or left his dog and belongings there for approximately 6 months. This video shows how he left Gina’s spare bedroom and the video he made about her after she called him out for his disgusting pubes, piss, and sweat being left all over her spare room and bathroom.
“HARASS District Attorneys they said…. it’ll go well…they said…” (Sarcasm) There are several clips from the “Where we are at” video posted below.This is a short clip from the livestream above it. Posted in case Decker deletes the Livestream. 12/8/23. Additional clips from this stream are below. This loser Drake has no common sense and no respect for authority. In the clip he can be heard demanding a DA retract statements and calling the DA an effing idiot. 12/8/23.
12/10/23 How typical of Scumron, demanding things from the DA and Bill Keeler. Who does he thinks he is? The KING of New York? Talk about little dick energy…. WOW! Here is a direct link to the original video,
What do you think DA McNamara, Should Cameron Decker stay in New York to file a lawsuit against you OR should he travel to Washington DC with Shafiq Blake from PA? Your opinion matters here, Sir.
Exposing public officials for NOT prosecuting “Cases” Decker turns in which he refers to as being on a “silver platter”.Cameron really went after Ernie Lee onlineHe had his friend commit non profit fraud using funds to obtain prison records for a man who believes and stands by Drake Rape victim.Drake made a free blog to slander three men who believe and support the woman he raped in 2021. Fools support Cameron harassing others who have done nothing more than call out his bad behavior.This is Cameron’s SUGAR DADDY/ PUPPETEER, WARBOT. Bragging about whoever is making the harassing “Alt” accounts….hiding behind a vpn to make alts and harass anyone who has called out this scumbag Cameron. Guess what, this website is also being created behind a VPN so fuck u all who end up on it. Warbot will have his very own page here soon to document his harassment of others since there’s so much of it. Here’s Drake Decker live on his YouTube, sharing the Livestream of JD who he is calling a “fucking retard” in this clip. Non-profit organization funds were fraudulently used to obtain these records Drake committed perjury in an Atlanta Court to get a harassment prevention order against this man known on YouTube as “Vic”. Drake got money from his sugar daddy warbot and drove over 900 miles to seek this order. Vic was giving Drake a taste of his own medicine on YouTube after seeing him harass his Rape victim for over a year. Vic intended to get Drake’s prison records and share them since Drake had done similar things to his victims. Daddy WARBOT helped pay for Drake to have an attorney to protect him from his Rape victim getting a harassment prevention order to stop the obvious harassment she’s endured over a long period of time.
Cam exposed his own Alt account accidentally while live. The Alt is this channel Drake created to harass his SA victim and JD primarily. loser Drake Decker created this ridiculous short video to further harass this man JD. We have covered the victims face because thats the right thing to do.
And Drake doesn’t seem to understand why DA McNamara is concerned by the way Decker conducts himself online….well this page is full of prime examples of his childish, cruel,and inexcusable behavior online.
This is Drake Cameron DECKER posting his harassing content also on FB. The content did get back to the family members of the victims as it was shared locally where they live in New York.
This young man Nate has autism. Drake continues to publicly harass him, his mom, his sister (by using her image and name) and has even contacted family members and people who live near him including the local convenience store cashier. This is unusual and cruel.
Harassment of Nate’s mom, again. ALL this woman did was try to defend her son against a BULLY who keeps targeting him. This is wrong on every level. Nate tried to get police in New York to do something about it but it seems Drake is in some sort of Delaware County DA Shawn Smith protection program. Shawn Smith is the only DA Drake is on good terms with as of 12/23. We wonder if Drake is hiding the blue 2018 mazda on one of Shawn Smith’s NY properties? Nate’s mom identified herself as a lesbian when she defended her son and that information has been used to harass her.
Harassment video about Nate’s mom again …. so yes Drake Decker is harassing a lesbian woman. Putting out childish videos of her saying that she “likes pu$$y” Yet he claims he is Not homophobic…Perhaps he is jealous because the only way he can get access to a females genitals is by forcing himself on a woman like he did to Shay.
This video is harassing JD, Nate and his mom, The goodguy aka Steve. The man in the overalls is JD’s father who is deceased. Nothing is off limits for this scumbag Drake C Decker. He has even earned the nickname of “Scumerina”, among many others. This is the 1st of 2 similar videos.
This video Drake posted to make fun of a woman who goes by “Scamula” on YouTube. She does kinda look like this…however it is clear Decker is using his platforms mainly to make fun of and harass other people. His “alleged child predator” exposing platforms have turned into this. Drake Decker is an immature bully, recidivist criminal and a rapist so it makes sense that educated grown adults who have worked hard and become elected officials would be concerned about having Drake Decker as a witness on serious cases.
These men are NOT GAY.
As you can see, Cameron Decker is extremely immature for his age, mid 30s.
Cameron put Jd’s face on a body with a HUGE belly. It is Cameron who actually has a belly that big, not JD.
This is a video Cameron posted about his alleged rape victim in December 2023. Then days later he removed his channel from youtube early in the morning so he could call up the allegedly corrupt Sargent of West Brookfield, Letendre who clearly has a bias towards the actual victim, Shay and has the whole time…Cameron plays victim well and this shameful cop allows it. See the next video for PROOF of this.
What you won’t hear in this video is the officer tell Cameron that he has Court with Shay in East Brookfield Court 12/21 and must appear in person….What you will hear is how fully on Cams side the cop is. Cameron has truly mastered what is known as the DARVO TECHNIQUE. This cop should not have a badge in my opinion. Wait till the small community finds out that Cameron who is accused of Rape intends to lure alleged child predators to west brookfield ma when he is in the area and the chief was complicit with the idea….I bet the community will rejoice and celebrate that since he Cam a dangerous felon and allegedly raped the mosts hated woman in THEIR town! WOW. The victim has been trying to have Cameron served with the summons to appear but since she doesn’t know the address he is at and he knows where she is at he gets to continue to victimize the victim. This is disgusting.
This is an almost two hour video of Shay, Cameron’s alleged Rape victim. He posted this recently to prove to his subscribers that since she went to this place with him days after the alleged rape by forcefully received oral sex, 2 finger insertion and skin on skin humpingwhile she pleaded with him to stop and resisted situation happened, that she must not be a victim…asking his supporters, does this lok like a victim to you? Nice huh.This Entire Channel Cameron created to further harass 4 of his victims, Gina, Nate, JD and Shay. There are 41 harassing videos. We will be adding ALL of them here soon. There is PROOF this is his channel. (Next video)
This video proves that Cameron owns this channel. He is logged into it. He was live streaming and seems he wanted to get more attention to the channel so he did this, not realizing he showed on the right of the screen that he is in fact logged in to that account.
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