Timestamp 3:00:00- 3:30:00 Around this time in the video you can see Cameron’s silly business venture selling Vacuums….these are Legitimate Machines…. HYLA home air filtration/ vacuum… approx $3,500. Ask Cameron directly if interested. Former Wrestler turned police officer Michael Cueball Carmichael gave Cameron this brilliant money making suggestion and was helping him along the way as he attempted to grow his business.

Timestamp 3:00:00- 3:30:00 of since removed video…Around this time in the video you can see Cameron’s silly business venture selling Vacuums….these are Legitimate Machines…. HYLA home air filtration/ vacuum… approx $3,500. Ask Cameron directly if interested. Former Wrestler turned police officer Michael Cueball Carmichael gave Cameron this brilliant money making suggestion and was helping him along the way as he attempted to grow his business. We so wish we had this video saved! The panel channel was removed along with that video. It was scamming Gold!

You can find more information about Michael “Cueball” Carmichael aka Officer Cue on the page titled, friends/acquaintances.