Kratom Addiction

Chronic use of Kratom over years of use leads to cardiovascular issues. In layman’s terms, that means it effects the blood flow throughout the users body, including to the penis when aroused. You know what that means? The dick is dead. That’s how Drake has earned himself the nickname of “Dead Dick Decker” aka DDD.

Drake admits to using Kratom for the past 8 years. He goes above and beyond to make sure he has the necessary supplies to make the Kratom himself. He cannot go without it. No addicts can because they will suffer withdrawal symptoms right away.

There are many negative side effects to abusing Kratom. Please do the research and speak to your doctor prior to using that stuff.

Here’s Cameron admitting to using Kratom for the past 7 years….that was as of 2022 so now he’s been a chronic user for 8 years. He cannot even deny his tiny useless pecker. When Decker’s R@pe victim came forward, he went on an endless loop ranting about things and all NVCAP MUMBAI got out of it was that Decker is “Hung like a DIPPIN DOT”.
Cameron is addicted to Kratom and Vaping. Already killed his dick and now the lungs! Good job dumbass!
He’s just doin Kratom to help with the ankle pains. 11/28/23